I think I finally found my flow with art.
Simply put, do one doodle from imagination and another without looking at the drawing (contor practice).
After that, use reference and make a ton of crappy doodles.
Then once I have a solid idea how I want the piece, do a very basic loose mankind. Then, start piecing tie getter details.
Good sleep also helped a lot. I woke up at 3am this morning and couldn't sleep. Instead of wasting time tossing around in bed, I got up and made art progress.
I'd be interested to here other peoples' art methods!
I literally just pen the tablet and hope for the best, the best thing about digital art is how easy it is to erase mistakes. I'm still getting to grips with most aspects though.
I'm waiting on a collab to come out so I can post a comic page I did for it, I was pretty happy with how it turned out in the end. Even if it is just a goofy sketch.
Yeah, the undo and redo I just find way simpler than erasing lines over and over until you just have smudges everywhere.
Although then again, probably best to do sketches then trace of the one sketch that's good.
Hope the little collab of yours was fun!